An exploration of nightlife, through vibrant scenes that conceal the pressing global issues of our day. Moments of forgetfulness in a quick and regretful time.
Behind the pulsating fascination of the night,  remains a consciousness that calls out the moral challenges we face, humanity's search for solace and joy in the midst of adversity. Each image contains a story of escape, while also hiding urgent conversations that take place beyond the glitz of bohemian life in environments that tend not to contribute to resolving these problems.
As viewers run through these vivid portraits they are invited to reflect on the privileged duality of our existence: how do we celebrate in the shadows of these dilemmas?
“Flashpoints” is a visual dialogue, which leads us to consider the complexities of the world while celebrating the willingness to forget them.
In the quick turn of events, it is easier to give in to alienation and fall asleep, than to give in our energy to the Resistance. It is intended to lighten this fast way of living, taking away the burden of guilt.
Everyone want to seem imported. But nowadays, in the age of information, ignorance is a choice.
By chosing this stage of emotions, in this ring of egos, the playground of bad habits, I am bringing the viewer of these series to a
place of careless feelling of not knowing more than what’s happening with this subjects on this quick flash of their lifes. They some-
times close their eyes to this flash, just like they do to the rest of the problems of the world in that night. This hedonistic way of for-
getting everything that matters for more than one set of hours, brings a false layer of strong happiness, blissing them out of them-
selves. In an attempt to undress the subjects of every distraction or accessories, like social media, thoughts of missing out some-
thing, these people are in their pure state of detachment of worries, not saying that they are deceiving theirselves, everyone
needs a break. They are just mirroring a huge blindfold lived several times by the human being each time they go out.
Nightlife is a perfect recipe for bliss, afterall. But how far can we take this obliviousness in our mind? Will we wake up the next morning more aware of wars or poverty? Will we get conscious of something we can change actively and positively?
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